Wednesday 27 May 2015

12th May - Small evening working party to fettle the edges a little - perishing cold again

Mike and Rebecca plus Tyke came along to sort some edges.....
Planning what to do.....definitely needs more along the bottom edge.......

and some along this side too....

 digging out at the top edge to create a deeper pool beyond a shallower ridge

 and finally sorting the lower edge to give a bit more depth and therefore larger area

Pond filling pics....27th April - 9th May

Photos taken after rainfall....progress slow to start with, 27th-30th April

Mike was keen to get views f the pond from footpath up to from the top, coming back down after litter picking walk

then heavy rainfall fills it all the way by 9th May! Looking really great now....

 needs a little bit more height at the lower edge.........

and maybe we can dig out a little more at the top edge....

26th April - 2nd working party to get liner in place

Thanks to Dusty, Ellie, Marianne, Andrew, Mike F for helping to lay out the liner.

Whilst the lads collected stones to anchor the liner, Marianne, Ellie and myself started to turn over turfs in the field to clear planting spaces for plug plants....

...these continued with Mike F after lunch, whilst Dusty and Mike cleared tree tubes - not done in 2014 so long overdue.

We now wait for the rain to come.....